Monday, August 18, 2014


Hi! My name is Marsadie (Mars for short). I'm 27 and from Columbus, OH.

I was a commercial beauty blogger from 2007-2013. Moved to Tumblr for a personal blog for a bit then grew out of that. I'm starting this new personal beauty/lifestyle blog here on Blogspot.  I like the community here as some of my favs are hosted right here on Blogger.

Brief - I have a career in web development. Outside of work I'm obsessed with beauty and living well! I'm a first-time mommy-to-be to a baby girl (due December 2014) and my partner's name is Doug. Our life together is anything but ordinary as I will share a bit here. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Stick around to read up on my personal favs, lifestyle quirks and the phenomenon of being a first-time mother. Welcome to my little corner of the web!

1 comment :

  1. Just found your blog, bet you are so excited for you little one to arrive :o)

    If you are interested, Over on my blog I am having a Real Techniques, YSL and Barry M giveaway:

